Bluetooth - Bluetake Presenter BTU-01

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at
Sat Apr 19 08:11:19 PDT 2008

Jelle de Jong wrote:
> This message contains the following attachment(s):
> Bluetooth - Bluetake Presenter BTU-01.txt
> data.bin
> Hello everybody,
> I don't know if this is the best mailinglist to present my problem, so 
> please point me to the right one if I am wrong.
> I bought a new device named "Bluetake Presenter BTU-01". However I can't
> get it functioning. And I was hoping somebody can tell me what to do. I
> attached information about the device as attachments.
> When the device is connected with hidd and it makes a nice input event. 
> The input event is fully readable and return data when pressing the 
> buttons of the device. But i can't get a functional device out of it. 
> The device is special type of keyboard.
> Does somebody know what to do?

Is there nobody that can help me to get this device working?

Kind regards,


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