Multi-seat, again

Tiago Vignatti vignatti at
Mon Apr 28 11:49:27 PDT 2008

aivils at escreveu:
> However Nvidia binary drivers are stable. One enthusiast of multiseat send
> PC hardware to Nvidia developer's headquarters and as result Nvidia binary
> drivers became stable since 2004 - 2005, i could not recall. Nowadays Nvidia
> driver is stable but have side effect - when X neighbour logout , running
> X may show blank, black screen up to 0.5 seconds. Looks like all additional
> video adapters doe restart, no matter is that necessary or not necessary from
> view point of end user.

this is what you call stable? :)

Tiago Vignatti
C3SL - Centro de Computac,a~o Cienti'fica e Software Livre

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