Strange issue with hal and Xorg

Peter Hutterer peter.hutterer at
Thu Jun 11 23:14:04 PDT 2009

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 12:20:16AM -0400, Matt Hayes wrote:
> Normally, xorg.conf I could map my buttons using ZAxisMapping "4 5" and
> ButtonMapping "1 2 3 6 7" and Buttons "7" and things were dandy.
> Well, after the latest updates to Slackware and Xorg, what I'm seeing
> now is the side buttons on my Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 3 are
> mapping the buttons (side buttons) as 8 9 instead of 6 7.
> However, making a change in xorg.conf to facilitate the change in
> mapping, things DO work fine in X, but not other applications such as
> Enemy Territory.

if HAL takes effect, xorg.conf sections are generally ignored these days. So
chances are it's not even picking up what you have configured.

the other chance is of course that your DE is overwriting it on login.
> Now, what I don't understand is why hal is detecting the mouse as
> Num_buttons 32... I even created a hal policy to map the buttons how I
> normally would in xorg.conf and this had no effect.

HAL is not detecting anything. Think of hal being the equivalent to the
Option "Device" "/dev/input/event1" line. That's really all it does.


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