problem with xset

Éric Piel E.A.B.Piel at
Tue May 18 02:43:17 PDT 2010

Op 18-05-10 08:11, JD schreef:

> So why would the man page say the rate comes before the delay in the
> args list?
> What a &*@#$@%#&$ man page!!!
As stated even if your very first post, in the manpage there is:
[-r [keycode]]  [r [keycode]] [r {on|off}] [r rate _delay_ [_rate_]]

So it's correctly written delay, then rate. Admitely it's a bit
confusing to also have the "rate" keyword. That's the drawback of
reading manpages in English, it's much less confusing to read them in
French or Japanese ;-)


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