dead keys not working at all?

Adrien "Pied" Piérard axioplase+xorg at
Tue Jul 26 18:34:49 PDT 2011


> AP> Why would `xev` load it, but not other apps?
> Probably some difference in how they call libX11.

Or maybe `xev` is completely insensitive to input methods, which would
make sense, since it's not its job at all.

> Although I installed ibus on one box, I never used it.  On the rare
> occasions I had any need for a complex IM I used Emacs' internal IM....

Well, I need an IM to write in Japanese, and emacs is not an option for me.
I switched back to scim, which is older, but at least seems to compose
well with dead keys.

> Tracing and/or running everything with gdb attached are probably the
> best ways to track down that bug.
> Comparing traces between the working and non-working boxen should help.
> And try ltrace(1), too.  Seeing the library calls might be more
> informative that just the system calls.

I'll try if I have time, but I don't think that debugging an IM is my
most important task to do now, especially as scim works; but I'll keep
that in mind for the future.
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