X Server v1.20.5 failure on Zynq-7000 with embedded Linux system

Tsao Pieski TineSharp at outlook.com
Thu Sep 5 17:43:57 UTC 2024

Dear Xorg Team:

      I'm running X11 (X Server version 1.20.5) on Zynq-7000 SoC with embedded Linux system. There's no HDMI PHY chip on my board, so I implemented soft IP cores on PL for HDMI functionality.

      From the console output, it appears that the X Server initiates normally, and actually reads the EDID information of the HDMI displayer through I2C channel. But the startx command always fails with fatal server error: "(EE) AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0", and there's no HDMI output.

      I've reviewed several issue reports, but none of them seem to match the specific situation. There's no error (EE) in the log file except for the "(EE) AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0" at the end of the log.

      I've attached the error log and the console output for your reference.
      Any assistance from you would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
ZY Tsao
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