Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

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List Description
amd-gfx Discussion list for AMD gfx
announce Service Announcements
apitrace Discussion of the apitrace tool
APOC APOC, the centralized desktop profile manager
AppStream [no description available]
Appsummit [no description available]
Authentication Cross-desktop authentication and single sign-on
avahi Avahi ML
Beignet An open source open CL implemenation for Intel platform
bidi Discussions on bidirectional scripts and layouts
ccss The C CSS library
clipart Mailing list to discuss clipart webpage and contributions
Cogl [no description available]
colord Mailing list for discussions about colord
compiz compiz mailing list
ConsoleKit [no description available]
CREATE Create is about sharing resources between Free and Open Source Creative Projects.
Cut-and-paste [no description available]
dbus [no description available]
DejaVu-bugs DejaVu Fonts - Bug reports only
devkit-devel udisks/upower development list
dim-tools DRM maintainer tools announcements, discussion, and development
Distributions Discussions and collaboration between distributions
dolt [no description available]
dri-devel Direct Rendering Infrastructure - Development
dri-egl discussion of the EGL implementation for DRI
dri-patches Direct Rendering Infrastructure - Patches
dri-users Direct Rendering Infrastructure - Users
etnaviv [no description available]
Exempi-devel Discussions about development of/with Exempi
Ezbench-dev Graphics stack testing/benchmarking utility
farsight-commits Commits for the farsight project
Farstream-commits Commits for the Farstream project
Farstream-devel Farstream developement list
fhs Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
Flathub-Admins Flatpak build and hosting service
Flatpak Discussions about Flatpak and related projects
Fontconfig Font configuration and customization
Fontconfig-bugs fontconfig bugs (read-only)
Fontforge [no description available]
fprint Development and user support for fprint project
freedesktop General discussion about
Freedesktop-sdk Tiny base run-time with bst, hosted on Freedesktop
Freedreno Freedreno graphics driver community testing & development
freedrtools-devel freedrtools development discussion
freedrtools-maintainers Distribution maintainers of freedrtools
fribidi GNU FriBidi, the implementation of Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm technical discussion AND user questions
fribidi-commit CVS commits to the GNU FriBidi tree
Ftp-release software release announce list
galago-announce announcements from the Galago project
galago-commits commit messages from Galago
galago-devel galago development discussion
galago-i18n galago internationalization discussion
Games Games Packaging / Patching / Development list [disabled]
Games-commit [no description available]
GeoClue (PERMANENTLY CLOSED) Discussion list for geoclue users and developers
ghns Get Hot New Stuff and Desktop Exchange Service
Glamor [no description available]
GLU3-announce [no description available]
GLU3-devel Development mailing list for GLU3 library
Glvnd [no description available]
gstreamer-android Discussions about GStreamer on Android
gstreamer-announce Announcements of GStreamer news and releases
gstreamer-bugs bugzilla mails
gstreamer-commits git commit notifications
gstreamer-devel Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer
gstreamer-embedded Discussions specific to using GStreamer on embedded systems
gstreamer-openmax Discussions and patches concerning gst-openmax
hal hal technical discussion
hal-commit HAL commit notification
HarfBuzz Geneal discussion re HarfBuzz, a text shaping library
Hieroglyph general discussion for Hieroglyph
Hw-testing [no description available]
I915-ci-infra i915's CI infrastructure mailing list
igt-dev Development mailing list for IGT GPU Tools
immodule-qt a modular, extensible input method support for Qt
InitKit Distribution-neutral discussion on D-Bus based Init
Input-tools Discussions about libevdev, evtest and evemu
intel-3d-bugs Bugzilla spam list for Intel 3D (Mesa) bugs
Intel-gfx Intel graphics driver community testing & development
intel-gfx-bugs Default bug owner for Intel graphics bugs
Intel-gfx-trybot Intel graphics driver testing & development using CI system
intel-gvt-dev Intel GVT (Graphics Virtualization) development list
Intel-xe Intel Xe graphics driver
kmscon-devel kmscon discussion and development
LDTP-dev Linux Desktop Testing Project
libbsd BSD compatibility library
libburn Discussion of development of the Libburn library suite
Libdlo DisplayLink Open Source Driver Development
libmbim-devel Discussions related to the MBIM protocol and libmbim
Liboil [no description available]
Liboil-commit [no description available]
Libopenraw-dev Discussion about libopenraw development
libqmi-devel Discussions related to the QMI protocol and libqmi
Libre-graphics-meeting [no description available]
Libre-graphics-meeting-local [no description available]
Libre-graphics-meeting-org [no description available]
LibreOffice LibreOffice development and discussions.
Libreoffice-bugs [no description available]
Libreoffice-commits [no description available]
Libreoffice-qa Libreoffice QA list
Libreoffice-ux-advise Meeting ground for LibreOffice hackers and UX experts
Libva Moved to:
lima [no description available]
mesa-announce Announcements of new Mesa releases are sent on this list.
Mesa-ci-intel [no description available]
mesa-commit Commits to the Mesa git repository
mesa-dev For discussion about development of the Mesa code.
Mesa-maintainers Discussion about distribution related changes in Mesa
mesa-stable Proposals for stable-branch patches for Mesa
mesa-users For end-user discussion about using Mesa.
ModemManager-devel Development discussions about ModemManager
MPRIS MPRIS discussion
Networkmanager [no description available]
nice libnice mailing list
Nouveau Nouveau development list
Ocs [no description available]
ooo-build ooo-build development and discussions.
ooo-build-announce ooo-build and go-oo announcements.
ooo-build-bugs ooo-build default bug alias.
ooo-build-commit Track commits to ooo-build.
openchrome-devel Developer oriented discussion around OpenChrome driver
openchrome-users General usage discussions about the OpenChrome drivers
OpenFontLibrary Open Font Library
openicc Open ICC Color Managment
p11-glue [no description available]
PackageKit PackageKit users and developers list
PackageKit-commit PackageKit git commit list
Packagemap Cross-distro package map project
papyon Papyon project discussion list
papyon-bugs Default assignee for papyon bugzilla
pchdtv pchdtv development and user discussion
pchdtv-commit commit messages from pchdtv
Piglit [no description available]
Pipewire-devel [no description available]
Pixman Mailing list for the Pixman rendering library
pkg-config [no description available]
platform Discussion of the Platform
plymouth Discussion of Plymouth graphical bootup
Pm-utils Module to be used to run vendor or distro supplied scripts on suspend and resume.
polkit-devel polkit development list
poppler PDF rendering library
Poppler-bugs [no description available]
Portland [no description available]
Portland-bugs [no description available]
pulseaudio-bugs PulseAudio Bugs
pulseaudio-commits PulseAudio GIT Commits
pulseaudio-discuss General PulseAudio Discussion
pulseaudio-maintainers [no description available]
Rarian Documentation meta-data library discussion
release-wranglers People working on X software releases
roadster Roadster Linux Mapping Software
Shared-desktop-ontologies [no description available]
sitewranglers Maintainers of the services on this site
Slirp [no description available]
social-pdx Freedesktop social events in PDX
Spice-announce [no description available]
spice-bugs [no description available]
Spice-commits [no description available]
Spice-devel [no description available]
stsf Standard Type Services Framework
stsf-announce STSF announcements
stsf-bugs Mailing list for bugzilla
stsf-commit STSF commit messages
svg-icons-commit Commits to the SVG Icons module
Swfdec [no description available]
Swfdec-commits [no description available]
SyncEvolution [no description available]
systemd-bugs systemd Bugzilla Mailing List
systemd-commits systemd Commits Mailing List
systemd-devel systemd Development Mailing List
Tango-artists Tango project's styleguide, workflows, technical details
telepathy Cross-desktop unified VOIP/IM framework
telepathy-bugs [no description available]
telepathy-commits Commits to Telepathy real-time communications framework
Telepathy-Reviewers Discussion between Telepathy reviewers
Terminal-wg [no description available]
Test-google [no description available]
uim [no description available]
uim-bugs Uim's Bugzilla traffic
uim-commit Commit messages for uim
utf-8 Discussion of unicode support in free and open source software.
VDPAU VDPAU discussion
virglrenderer-devel Development list for virgl renderer library.
virt-gpu Discussion List about virtualised GPU solutions
waffle Discussion for Waffle development and use
waimea waimea mailing list
wayland-bugs [no description available]
wayland-devel Discussion about the wayland display server
Xcb [no description available]
xcb-commit Git commits to xcb
xdg's standards and specifications
Xesam Common search and metadata specification
xiccd [no description available]
xliff-tools Discussions on XLIFF support in open source localisation
xpmn-devel [no description available]
Zeitgeist-bugs [no description available]

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