[Clipart] clipart.freedesktop.org and OpenOffice.org

Jeremy C. Reed reed at reedmedia.net
Thu Apr 8 17:45:47 PDT 2004

On Thu, 8 Apr 2004, Bryce Harrington wrote:

> The intent of the first package is less about starting to get useful art
> than to simply get the ball rolling;

Yes. That is good.

> some contribs.  So why don't we just drop the format restriction and
> permit either SVG or WMF as the contributor wishes?

Can some tools make a perfect WMF from a SVG and visa versa?

If so, then, yes, we can accept either and then automate a SVG tarball
release and a tarball of WMFs too.

And I am sure that some small PNGs can be automated too for a webpage to
show you what you are getting.

   Jeremy C. Reed

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