[Clipart] pet clipart

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Mon Aug 29 07:33:33 PDT 2005

Nicu Buculei <nicu at apsro.com> writes:

> The monthly theme was not very productive in the past, 

I think the conclusion I came to is that a majority of the
contributors, with a couple of exceptions, were contributing mostly
artwork that they already had drawn for other reasons.

However, I believe we have since gained some additional contributors
who regularly create significant amounts of artwork for the purpose of
contributing it to the library, so that we now have a small team of
regular contributors doing this.  I could be mistaken, but it seems to
me that this is the case.

> but as "OCAL 5K" shows, a targeted push can do wonders. Maybe we
> can't do such things* every month, 

I think if we did that every month we would wear people out.
It may be better to concentrate on steady growth most of the time.

I do not, for instance, think we are ready to push for 10K for 0.18,
and I think a 5K-style push for any number less than 10K would be

Open Clip Art Library:  Drawing Together

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