[Clipart] Screenshot uploaded: #111

Screenshot Upload Facility clipart at lists.freedesktop.org
Tue Feb 8 13:06:29 PST 2005

ID-Number:   111
Submitted:   Tue Feb  8 13:06:29 2005 from
Author:      Nathan Eady
Description: using Windows Explorer to preview and sort the images
ThumbMethod: Provided
Screenshot:  screenshot_111.png
Thumbnail:   thumbs/screenshot_111_thumb.png


This notice is sent automatically whenever the screenshot upload
facility is used to upload a screenshot.  The address this message
is sent to can be changed in upload_screenshot.cfg or, if it is unset,
no message will be sent.  Remember:  There is no email cabal in
control of all the world's mail servers, and we are certainly not
in league with the MVD, the NSA, the DMA, or the spammers.

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