[Clipart] Definition of Clip Art at Wikipedia

Jon Phillips jon at rejon.org
Wed Feb 9 01:44:17 PST 2005

I have been curious about the definition of the term "Clip Art". SO I went over 
to wikipedia and found that it is defined there as:

"Clip art, in the graphic arts, is the use of images either copied or physically 
cut (hence the term) from pre-existing printed works, either books that have 
entered the public domain, or books specifically published for such use (which, 
if they contain images that are not in the public domain, include a license fee 
in the cover price)."

It is defined there as PUBLIC DOMAIN images.

I think however that dictionary.com is closer with their definition:


Anyone have any thoughts on the subject...I posted some notes about the def. of 
CLIP ART to the FAQ, and is why I'm curious.


Jon Phillips

USA PH 510.499.0894
jon at rejon.org

Inkscape (http://inkscape.org)
Open Clip Art Library (www.openclipart.org)
CVS Book (http://cvsbook.ucsd.edu)
Scale Journal (http://scale.ucsd.edu)	

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