[Clipart] SVG in OpenDocument

Jon Phillips jon at rejon.org
Sat Jul 30 14:03:15 PDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-07-13 at 03:04 +0100, Alan Horkan wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Jul 2005, Jon Phillips wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 16:07:31 -0700
> > From: Jon Phillips <jon at rejon.org>
> > To: Open Clip Art Library list <clipart at lists.freedesktop.org>,
> >      Inkscape Development Mailing List <inkscape-devel at lists.sourceforge.net>
> > Subject: [Clipart] SVG in OpenDocument
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > Would anyone be interested in following up on the problems between the
> > OpenDocument format and SVG?
> I really hope someone with more techincal authority than me will step up
> to this and I want to thank Daniel for tackling it (the OpenDocument
> format is huge and scary).  It is a shame that OpenDocument seems to be
> moving even further away from SVG in an attempt to support more features
> when what we would like to see is it moving more towards SVG.

> Would be great to be able to throw the main.xml from an OpenDocument at an
> SVG parser and get some reasonable results.  The potential for XML formats
> to degrade gracefully is an interesting one and if OpenDocument was
> constructed as SVG with extras instead of new format vaguely resembling
> SVG it could work and potentially exploit a much wider variety of existing
> tools.

The OpenDocument TC is totally interested in supporting SVG and have
worked to do this. I think things will get better. The main thing is
that they have extra functionality that SVG doesn't support, and for
these elements have made their own namespace I believe. I think is ok
now...our speaking up paid off already.

> > Mental, you seemed most versed in discussing these issues previously. I
> > fear we are too late! OOo is geared up with OpenDocument support and I
> > noticed that Krita and other KOffice apps already support the format.
> > Man, why couldn't OpenDocument just use SVG man...ugh!
> Krita is the Paint application.
> I'm almost certain it is not using OpenDocument.
> Karbon 14 the draw application is not using OpenDocument yet and is
> currently without a maintainer.  If we have any enthusiastic C++
> programmers interested in improving the SVG Importer for Karbon (and the
> exporter too) it would really help.

Yes, it does in karbon-1.4.0 on gentoo.

> KChart will not be using the OpenDocumetn Draw format but rather it will
> be using a Chart/Graph format from OpenDocument.  KChart provides SVG
> export using the built in functionality of QPainter in QT3 and this is due
> to be improved later in the QT4 development cycle.
> > Inkscape will need to support import/export of OpenDocument in the near
> > future. http://books.evc-cit.info/odbook/book.html
> Work is being done by INdt on behalf of Nokia to improve the OpenDocument
> support in both Abiword and Gnumeric.  There will be quite a lot of
> potential for code reuse when that work is more advanced.


> > > I'm sure that getting the format fixed will be a slow process. I've
> > > never heard of a standards body that did things fast. But I do want to
> > > see the format fixed.
> > > As for myself, I'm slowly reading through a book on OpenDocument, so I
> > > can have a better idea of what I'm talking about:
> > >
> > > http://books.evc-cit.info/odbook/book.html
> Here's hoping this all works out.
> Sincerely



Jon Phillips

San Francisco, CA
USA PH 510.499.0894
jon at rejon.org

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