[Clipart] cchost test installation for Open Clip Art Library

Jonadab the Unsightly One jonadab at bright.net
Sat Feb 11 20:23:32 PST 2006

Jon Phillips <jon at rejon.org> writes:

> > > Add Open Clip Art Library logo to header
> > 
> > Yes, quite.
> Would you take on figuring this task out please?

Initially, I tracked this as far as cctemplates/page.xml

Around line 81, you see this:
          <h1 id="cc_site_name"><a href='${root-url}' title="${site-title}">${banner-html}</a></h1>

This looks to me like a scalar variable called $banner-html being
interpolated, but that's a Perl programmer's perspective on the
matter, so I could be mistaken.  Nonetheless, proceeding on this
hunch, I started looking for where such a variable might be set,
which leads me to ccadmin/cc-install-db.php around line 435 and
following, where it appears a number of things like this are being
set, and in particular this line:
            'banner-html' =>  $vars['sitename']['v'], 

There's some kind of subscripting going on there, but I don't know
anything about PHP datatypes, and the only additional references I can
find to the string 'sitename' are in ccadmin/index.php  The most
apparently relevant is in the function get_default_values, which
contains this line:
    $v['sitename']   = 'ccHost - ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];

However, I think I've gotten lost somewhere along the way, because
that would seem to indicate that the banner-html should be something
like "ccHost - www.openclipart.org", but on the site I am seeing
something more like "Open Clip Art Library", so there must be
something I don't understand going on in the PHP code.

Open Clip Art Library:  Drawing Together

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