[Clipart] tag you're it (fwd)

Michael Moore stuporglue at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 22:45:19 PDT 2006

> > I'll bet there are some other fun games that could be developed though.  :-)
> True...do you have any ideas? Our new interface would be awesome and
> easy to add to.

Maybe, at least maybe somewhere to start at.

It's sort of like the game Taboo, in reverse.

Text version for the link-lazy.

The game starts and the player has 60 seconds, and 0 points
One clipart is displayed with a grey box for each currently existing
tag. There is a text entry box, a "guess" button and a "next!" button.

The objective is to guess all the currently existing tags. As the
player guesses and submits currently existing tags, they grey box
coresponding to that tag disapears to reveal the word they guessed.

If they guess all the words, or if they press "next!", a new clipart
is displayed, with it's boxes greyed.

You get points for each tag that is already in the list, and anything
you guessed that's not in the list gets added to the grey list for
next time (maybe. See below).  You get bonus points for guessing all

Auto adding all guessed tags that aren't in the list could lead to a
bunch of misspelled tags, spam tags, etc. If this were really a way to
add tags, maybe the tags should only show up in the grey list, and as
meta-data on the clipart if the tag is guessed multiple times.

Michael Moore
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