[Clipart] [Open Clip Art Library] clker.com - part 3

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Wed Feb 6 00:10:27 PST 2008


> Obviously, clker fails on all of the above - having
> the author name in the SVG source is not enough. For
> example, I stripped out from the document properties
> the standard Inkscape mentions, but my work can be
> found (and is displayed) under my username on OCAL.
> OCAL is not even mentioned or linked to on clker, as
> said earlier.

Acutally, the first first blog entry says:
"The first release of clker.com website includes most of
openclipart.org wonderful collection exported to openoffice ODG


Looking through the blog, they seem to have their heart in the right
place, and they definitely have a better interface than OCAL.  I would
expect that if someone actually emailed them then they would be happy
to link to OCAL.

Francis Bond <http://www2.nict.go.jp/x/x161/en/member/bond/>
NICT Computational Linguistics Group

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