[Clipart] Submitting as Anonymous

Greg Bulmash oneminuteinspirations at gmail.com
Fri Feb 15 07:50:02 PST 2008

On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 11:10 PM, Jon Phillips <jon at rejon.org> wrote:
> Wikipedia allows for anon, but the IP is saved in stead...on our old
> site we had purely anonymous contributions...I think we should allow
> anon again actually similar to wikipedia...and I had the code working,
> but no commit have I done...what do you all think about this?

I think OCAL should do its own research into the legal viability of
this.  While I can see cases in which anonymity is needed, such as
where the artwork is a form of political protest and the submitter is
located within the geographical confines of a repressive regime, the
"almost went to law school" side of me says that we do a huge
disservice to the end user by not doing more than storing an IP
address to identify the submitter of an artwork.

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