[Clipart] stuff done today

chovynz chovynz at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 14:00:24 PDT 2010

Right ... so what I'm hearing correctly:
You guys want "Sex: None" to be your default.

uhm....ok..that can be arranged.


On more serious notes, all good suggestions and bug testing guys, thanks 
(And thanks David. It's good to see someone who's usually quiet speaking 
up. Well-done. I look forward to more of your involvment).

When thinking about these, think how the end product will look, on your 
public profile. What would be useful from a community viewpoint, 1) from 
you to the world, and 2) from the world to you. What info do you want 
people to know about you?  What do you want to know about other users? 
(and when I say "world" I'm not joking. OCAL is going to be even huger 
than it is currently.)

    Action points for Chovynz: Do ASAP.

    * *Actually save info.* It's interesting that the Manage/Profile
      isn't saving info. It was for me, but then I was logged in at the
      highest level. So, something needs fixing there for normal users
      to continue changing their stuff. (I thought I had it working as
      intended - which is why I released it to the public - however I
      was tired and must've missed something. Back into it I go. (Is
      there a word for spelunking
      <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splunking>into deep code?)
          o In checking it out, there is info that is actually saved.
            You can change your Full name and it will save the info it;
            the other fields - not yet, but I now know how to make them
    * *Checkbox / toggle option to display or hide any profile field.*
      (Any activated options would show up in your public profile - e.g.
      some users want their email address visible. Some do not. Ditto
      for country/homepage/sex)

      Secondary concerns

    * "Country could have standardized droplist, as we have on every
      website". This is a possibility, although I'd like more opinions
      before coding that. Right now, I'm happy just to type mine in, and
      see no reason to have a time consuming drop down list. Convince me.
          o   Have clickable country links? "i.e.find all users that
            have shown their country <search by country>"
    * *SEX = textbox or checkbox. More discussion needed due to format
      disagreement.* Should it say gender, or shall I leave it as
      "gigglesnort sex"? I like calling a shovel - a shovel.
    * *Clarify how AVATAR should be used.* (At the moment it references
      to www.openclipart.org/user-detail/<Username>/assets/<AVATAR>   -
      but this directory is not-uploaded-to in the current OCAL - it's a
      leftover from cchost days. There are ways of making AVATAR work,
      but I'm not sure how to proceed with both easy-to-use, and secure
      against malicious images (I don't mean porn, I mean viral.)
          o Something that could be written by one of you guys is a
            draft website policy on acceptable AVATAR use. I don't
            support porn avatars, but I do want to give users the choice
            to upload/use their own avatars. Another option is only have
            a set amount of images. Another is to use clipart from OCAL
            (maybe a "use this as my avatar" button on the clipart
            details page?)
          o More discussion needed on how AVATAR is to be used. Open
            file box. Input text line?. What to do with /assets?. Set
            Gallery?. Clipart usage?. Use Ocal Svg directly or png
            thumbnail? Allow all? Disallow pornographic/nude avatars?
            File size limit? Dimension limiter (code). SVG/PNG only or
            allow all types or images (inc jpg)? go all free/public
            domain only or allow copyrighted avatars too?
          o There are certain users that can change any field (including
            AVATAR, but these abilities won't be needed much/if-at-all.)
            Do Librarians really need that power? To change someones
            avatar? Maybe. Not necessarily. Site admins do, but are
            Librarians site admins? is that our job? I'm not convinced.
            I'd much rather stick with clipart, than changing someones
            details. The only ones who should take that responsibility
            is site admins, and I think Librarians play a different
            role, with in care of the clipart, rather than community
          o Something that might help us/me is a use-case for AVATAR
            drawn up.

Brainstorming via text or email, sucks. Too much black on white.

Another option would be to provide a collection of avatars and let
users select one of them.  I actually did this at one point (for a
public library discussion forum, which is no longer really in use),
using mostly images from the OCAL for the avatars.  The interface was
just basically "Here are rows and columns of avatars, click the one
you want."  Let's see, I think the directory full of avatars is still
sitting here:
(There are two or three of those that are not public domain; it
should be obvious which ones.)

However, I think we have been allowing the upload of arbitrary profile
images in the past, and to my knowledge it has not been a major
problem.  (If it becomes one, we could always give librarians the
ability to override it for a certain user.)

>> >>  Country could have standardized droplist, as we have on every
>> >>  website:)
I don't know, that's always kind of annoyed me on most sites: the list
is so long, it's*significantly*  faster to just type the name of your
country in a text box.  (Yes, I know the old "type the first letter to
autoscroll to that part of the list" trick, but you still have to
scroll through half the countries that start with U.)  Some sites
attempt to fix this by putting certain popular countries at the top of
the list, but that has its own raft of problems.

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