Command line changes for TM branch

Egbert Eich eich at
Tue Mar 30 04:38:32 PST 2004

Keith Packard writes:
 > In going through the documentation for various commands, I've been finding
 > command line options that look like trademark problems (like -xf86config).
 > What I've done is:
 >  1)	Add a command line 'alias' for the option which doesn't have
 > 	a TM problem (-xf86<foo> -> -xorg<foo>), leaving the existing
 > 	option in place.
 >  2)	Replacing the documentation so that it mentions only the new
 > 	option name and not the old one.  This includes any usage
 > 	messages emitted by the application itself.
 > This should leave existing scripts working fine while avoiding the TM 
 > issues in the documentation and usage messages.

I wonder why we need this -x??<foo> anyway. Whouldn't -<foo> be 
sufficient (unless there is a conflict with an existing option).
I mean, why -xf86config or -xorgconfig instead of just -config
for example?


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