[SCIM] Re: [m17n-lib:00083] Re: Proposal: add minput_reset_ic (MinputContext *ic) method.

Mike FABIAN mfabian at suse.de
Tue Dec 21 09:36:44 PST 2004

Kenichi Handa <handa at m17n.org> さんは書きました:

>     The minput_reset_ic () function resets the input context $IC by
>     calling a callback functions corresponding to #Minput_reset.  It
>     actually shifts the state to the initial one, and thus the current
>     preediting text (if any) is committed.  If necessary, a program
>     can extract that text by calling minput_lookup () just after the
>     call of minput_reset_ic ().  In that case, the arguments @c KEY
>     and @c ARG of minput_lookup () are ignored.

I've just tried the latest m17n-lib CVS snapshot together with the
attached patch to scim-m17n.

I tested it with the input method M17N-t-latin-post.

The preedit string is deleted but not committed if I switch
off SCIM or move the focus to some other application.

I.e., if I type


I see


(German u-umlaut) in the preedit string but this character just
vanishes if I switch off SCIM and is not committed.

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Mike FABIAN   <mfabian at suse.de>   http://www.suse.de/~mfabian

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