[SCIM] Re: Custom Keyboard Layout Editor/Interpreter for SCIM

Yukiko Bando ybando@k6.dion.ne.jp
Tue Jan 4 02:42:31 PST 2005

On Tuesday 04 January 2005, Mike FABIAN wrote:

> > BTW, I tried replacing apostrophe and grave with semicolon and colon
> > (which are easier to type on Japanese keyboards) in latn-pre.mim and it
> > worked!  It doesn't seem extremely difficult to edit existing mim files,
> > but I still hope someone will make a GUI tool for such purpose and also
> > to create simple M17N input methods from scratch some day in the
> > future... :)
> Maybe it would be possible to read .mim files not only from
> /usr/share/m17n but also from the users home directory ~/.m17n/*.mim ?
> As Yukiko says, editing the .mim files is rather easy, i.e. if a
> user wants his own special version of latn-pre.mim it might be nice
> if she can just copy it th ~/.m17n and edit a little bit. Or, if
> a user doesn't like the key binding in ja-anthy.mim she could
> copy the file and change the key bindings a little bit.
> Would that make sense or is that a silly idea?

I like the idea very much.  

It was not comfortable to edit /usr/share/m17n/latn-pre.mim as root even with 
a backup copy.  Besides, not everyone has such privilege.


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