[SCIM] Re: From a newbie: problems in running scim

Yukiko Bando ybando@k6.dion.ne.jp
Mon Jan 17 07:56:32 PST 2005


> >What if you manually select Unicode (utf-8) from View > Set Encoding?
> Yes, if I manually set `Unicode (utf-8)' from `View > Set Encoding'
> the problem is solved, and now I've set it by default from
> `Settings > Configure Editor > Open/Save > Encoding',
> wich before was set by default on `Western European (iso 8859-1)'.
> It seems okay now. 

Good.  Mine was set to Unicode by default (probably because I chose Unicode at 
the time of installation).  

> The only inconvenience is that now kwrite might not read 
> properly a file that was saved with an encoding system different from
> Unicode utf-8, and vice versa another editor set with a different encoding
> system (Kate, for example) might not read properly a file that was edited 
> and saved with kwrite. 

Auto detection doesn't always work, unfortunately... 

> To avoid that I could maybe adopt your other suggestion:
> >The only other thing that I can think of is the font.  Which one are you
> >using in kwrite?  I set it to AR PL New Sung and it worked fine both for
> > input and reading.  
> I could'nt find any 'AR PL New Sung' font in kwrite settings.

It seems that AR PL New Sung is not available for 10.1.  Sorry, my bad.  
Anyhow, since the wrong encoding turned out to be the problem, changing the 
Chinese font to something else wouldn't help you avoid the inconvenience.

> > (Alternatively, you can set it to Bitstream Vera Sans, for 
> >example, and specify a Chinese font for a substitution font for it in
> >qtconfig.  Then latin alphabets will use Bitstream Vera Sans and Chinese
> >characters use the Chinese font.)
> And, could you maybe suggest how to specify the chinese font in qtconfig

Still, I would recommend setting up font substitutions in qtconfig.  Please 
have a look at my screenshot for an example:
In Font Substitution, select a western font first (Bitstream Vera Sans is my 
default font in KDE), choose your favorite Chinese font from the dropdown 
menu at the bottom, then click Add.  That's it.   

I would also recommend David's page (http://home.no.net/david/i18n.php). ;)


P.S.  Sorry for going a little off SCIM topic. :)

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