[Uim] uim-py: Adding idioms to PY.scm

yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp
Tue Apr 6 17:26:06 EEST 2004

> I added  more than 17,000 multisyllabic words included in CEDICT  
> (Chinese-English Dictionary) to my PY.scm.  It bloated the file (now  
> 825.3Kb) but looks like there's no problem.
Fantastic Job! However, the bloated file is problematic. It causes
longer startup time of applications and consumes a lot of memory.

> The dictionary is copyrighted but README says "these files may be freely   
> used  by  individuals,  and  may  be accessed  by software belonging to,  
> or operated by, such individuals."  So I hope it's OK.
Unfortunately the COPYING says,
        Any distribution of the files must take place  without  a  financial 
        return, except a charge to cover the cost of the distribution medium.
This contradicts against uim and other opensource software's license.
Anyway, your work is an interesting experiment.

> After all, it's a makeshift until uim-z evolves into a powerful input  
> method and a tool for my learning Chinese words.  ;-)
Yeah! I hope so. But probaly it will take few months.
  Yusuke TABATA (yusuke at cherubim.icw.co.jp)

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