[Uim] A question about the space bar

YamaKen yamaken at bp.iij4u.or.jp
Fri Apr 9 05:32:27 EEST 2004

At Fri, 09 Apr 2004 02:28:40 +0200,
david at start.no wrote:
> > I said about not a expectation but the validated fact.
> No, it's not. I just checked, and nothing of the sort you mentioned 
> happens. Not with the old version of uim and not with the new one.

Hmm... I should explain more things and verify difference to
your environment. But I don't have enough time at now, please

In short, I'm always working with newest svn version of uim as a
uim developer. And the patches were tested on IMKit-uim, a uim
bridge for Zaurus Linux-based PDA. Yes, this might have caused
some difference.

> I'm sorry that it happens on your system, but I don't see how you can 
> blame a patch for something that only happens on your system. Let's at 
> least see if other people are having problems with it.

I'm sorry about my poor message. I didn't intend to blame
someone, but my words seems inappropriate.

I'm not enemy of uim community. Tokunaga-san is my friend, and I
don't blame someone such a little thing.

I know a lot of your contribution for uim, and I'm glad to see
your recent actions (against me) for Tokunaga-san and uim. I
love constructive discussion on this list, active uim community,
and uim itself, too.

YamaKen  yamaken at bp.iij4u.or.jp

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