[Uim] New version of the romaja method (with capitalization)

David Oftedal david at start.no
Fri Apr 9 17:07:55 EEST 2004

I decided to make a version of romaja.scm with capitalization, and it's
quite comfortable to type this way. Basically, the way it works is this:

YeoBoSeYo -> yeo bo se yo
HanGeul   -> han geul

YeobOSeYo -> yeob o se yo
HangEul   -> hang eul

yeoboseyo -> nothing
hangeul   -> nothing

A side effect is that it doesn't currently need the patch that makes
space commit the preedit. However, I believe the patch is still needed
for hangul2.scm? Anyway, I'm sure you'll be able to make it work!

I wasn't able to attach the new version to this mail, but you can find 
it at: http://home.no.net/david/romaja.scm . Hope you'll replace it with 
the old romaja.scm.


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