[Uim] qt-immodule for uim

David Oftedal david at start.no
Mon Mar 8 00:32:42 EET 2004

> This is only working on the qt-3.1.2 with (*2)Daisuke's patch, very, very 
> restricted environment.
> I hope his patch is merged into qt3.4....
> (*1) : 
> http://www.kde.gr.jp/~daisuke/immodule_for_qt/pukiwiki/?ImmoduleForQtDocsForTrolltech
> (*2) : 
> http://www.kde.gr.jp/~daisuke/immodule_for_qt/patch/unstable/qt-x11-immodule-all-qt3.2.1-20040216.diff
I hope both you and Daisuke contact qt-bugs at trolltech.com .
They appear to be interested in an immodule system for Qt after all, and 
seeing as how one has already been developed, they migth be interested 
in using that for the next version of Qt.


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