[Uim] [Docs] Terminology problems

Jan Willem Stumpel jstumpel at planet.nl
Wed Mar 14 14:19:31 EET 2007

Etsushi Kato wrote:

> I'm not totally sure about the terminology, but I think IME is
> specific word for Microsoft's Japanese input method for 
> Windows. I don't refert ATOK in Windows as IME. But I may be 
> wrong.

So in your opinion IME is some kind of brand name, not a generic name?

In the meantime I found this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IME
which says that the "IME" is now also used in other operating
systems. The article does not make the terms much clearer though;
e.g. it calls Cangjie an "input method", while both SCIM and PRIME
are called "input method editors". More evidence that the
terminology is really confused.

>> Perhaps the Japanese members of this list can throw light on 
>> this linguistic question. For instance, how is IME pronounced
>> in Japan? eemeh or eye-em-ee?
> eye-em-ee, I think.

That would be the death of my implausible little theory.. However
some Googling quickly found an example of IME being pronounced
eemeh: in http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/konShanghai/diary/?ctgy=1
there are the lines

イメ(IME)って すごい。。。

I don't really believe in my theory ('that IME is a backronym of
an abbreviation' as Martin Swift says) anymore, though.

Regards, Jan

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