gcc-3.4-20050401 BUG? generates illegal instruction in X11R6.4.2/mkfontscale/freetypemacro (worksforme)

Clemens Koller clemens.koller at anagramm.de
Mon Apr 11 05:04:16 PDT 2005

Hello again!

In the freetype-devel list, I got some suggestions:
This bug/problem seems to concentrate on ppc32/64 and s390 architectures.
Basically all Type1 fonts shipped with X11 are suspect to this
problem. I made tests agains UTBI____.pfa

The possible (temporary)fix:
If I re-compile freetype with -fno-strict-aliasing I can get
mkfontscale to work!
It's still not clear whether this is a problem in freetype
(2.1.7 to 2.1.9 at least), the macros there, or in gcc.

Please see the following links for more information on
this problem (also referred as 'aliasing issues in freetype macros'):


And my thread in freetype-devel:
[ft-devel] Bug on PowerPC: Illegal Intruction in FT_Get_Name_Index

Currently don't feel confortable to deal with the freetype-type1-driver
code which seems pretty nasty. (I am not into font-writing at all).
Possible fixes might get discussed at the freetype-devel list.
Suggestions are welcome to further track down the problem.
But I first need to get X working on my platform...

Best greets,

Clemens Koller
R&D Imaging Devices
Anagramm GmbH
Rupert-Mayer-Str. 45/1
81379 Muenchen

Phone: +49-89-741518-50
Fax: +49-89-741518-19

Clemens Koller wrote:
> Hello, Dan!
> I did some more debugging on that problem.
> This bug was also reported on this list:
> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2004-07/msg00861.html
> To isolate it for the first step it's sufficient to only build
> mkfontscale within <...>/xc/programs/mkfontscale
> and then call it with mkfontscale Type1 (as mentioned below)
> And then, the fun starts: (let me just recite the old mail)
> Compilation of mkfontscale is ok, but its execution is quite strange.
> In the source code of mkfontscale, a call to a function of freetype-2.1.9
> is made : FT_Get_Name_Index() in freetype-2.1.9/src/base/ftobjs.c:3279
> In the source code of this freetype function, a call to another function
> of freetype is made : FT_FACE_LOOKUP_SERVICE()
> The full code of the function FT_Get_Name_Index() is :
>  FT_Get_Name_Index( FT_Face     face,
>                     FT_String*  glyph_name )
>  {
>    FT_UInt  result = 0;
>    if ( face && FT_HAS_GLYPH_NAMES( face ) )
>    {
>      FT_Service_GlyphDict  service;
>                              service,
>                              GLYPH_DICT );
>      if ( service && service->name_index )
>        result = service->name_index( face, glyph_name ); /*CRASHES HERE*/
>    }
>    return result;
>  }
> I am not finished with anlysing the code...
> but on my target it crashes on the same place after the
> 0xff4a988 <FT_Get_Name_Index+176>:      blrl
> instruction. So, it jumps out of executable code
> to some 0x10034cxxsomething until it hits an illegal
> instruction (after about 4 steps).
> (ppc, mpc8540, gcc-3.4-20040401 or gcc-3.4.3, binutils-2.15.96)
> So, the first basic question: Is the above code okay?
> Is the stack just trashes? I am not much into ppc assembly
> code. Maybe I need a helping hand.
> I can also let you ssh onto that machine if it's of
> any use.
> For me, I try to get what you said...
> <learning...>
> Thank you, so far!
> Clemens
> Dump of assembler code for function FT_Get_Name_Index:
> 0xff4a8d8 <FT_Get_Name_Index>:  stwu    r1,-32(r1)
> 0xff4a8dc <FT_Get_Name_Index+4>:        mflr    r0
> 0xff4a8e0 <FT_Get_Name_Index+8>:        bcl-    20,4*cr7+so,0xff4a8e4 
> <FT_Get_Name_Index+12>
> 0xff4a8e4 <FT_Get_Name_Index+12>:       stw     r30,24(r1)
> 0xff4a8e8 <FT_Get_Name_Index+16>:       mflr    r30
> 0xff4a8ec <FT_Get_Name_Index+20>:       stw     r31,28(r1)
> 0xff4a8f0 <FT_Get_Name_Index+24>:       mr.     r31,r3
> 0xff4a8f4 <FT_Get_Name_Index+28>:       stw     r0,36(r1)
> 0xff4a8f8 <FT_Get_Name_Index+32>:       stw     r28,16(r1)
> 0xff4a8fc <FT_Get_Name_Index+36>:       li      r28,0
> 0xff4a900 <FT_Get_Name_Index+40>:       lwz     r0,-16(r30)
> 0xff4a904 <FT_Get_Name_Index+44>:       stw     r29,20(r1)
> 0xff4a908 <FT_Get_Name_Index+48>:       mr      r29,r4
> 0xff4a90c <FT_Get_Name_Index+52>:       add     r30,r0,r30
> 0xff4a910 <FT_Get_Name_Index+56>:       beq-    0xff4a990 
> <FT_Get_Name_Index+184>
> 0xff4a914 <FT_Get_Name_Index+60>:       lwz     r0,8(r31)
> 0xff4a918 <FT_Get_Name_Index+64>:       andi.   r9,r0,512
> 0xff4a91c <FT_Get_Name_Index+68>:       beq-    0xff4a990 
> <FT_Get_Name_Index+184>
> 0xff4a920 <FT_Get_Name_Index+72>:       lwz     r11,128(r31)
> 0xff4a924 <FT_Get_Name_Index+76>:       lwz     r3,40(r11)
> 0xff4a928 <FT_Get_Name_Index+80>:       cmpwi   cr7,r3,-2
> 0xff4a92c <FT_Get_Name_Index+84>:       beq-    cr7,0xff4a9b4 
> <FT_Get_Name_Index+220>
> 0xff4a930 <FT_Get_Name_Index+88>:       cmpwi   cr7,r3,0
> 0xff4a934 <FT_Get_Name_Index+92>:       bne-    cr7,0xff4a960 
> <FT_Get_Name_Index+136>
> 0xff4a938 <FT_Get_Name_Index+96>:       lwz     r10,96(r31)
> 0xff4a93c <FT_Get_Name_Index+100>:      lwz     r9,0(r10)
> 0xff4a940 <FT_Get_Name_Index+104>:      lwz     r0,32(r9)
> 0xff4a944 <FT_Get_Name_Index+108>:      cmpwi   cr7,r0,0
> 0xff4a948 <FT_Get_Name_Index+112>:      bne-    cr7,0xff4a9bc 
> <FT_Get_Name_Index+228>
> 0xff4a94c <FT_Get_Name_Index+116>:      cmpwi   cr7,r3,0
> 0xff4a950 <FT_Get_Name_Index+120>:      mr      r0,r3
> 0xff4a954 <FT_Get_Name_Index+124>:      bne-    cr7,0xff4a95c 
> <FT_Get_Name_Index+132>
> 0xff4a958 <FT_Get_Name_Index+128>:      li      r0,-2
> 0xff4a95c <FT_Get_Name_Index+132>:      stw     r0,40(r11)
> 0xff4a960 <FT_Get_Name_Index+136>:      lwz     r9,8(r1)
> 0xff4a964 <FT_Get_Name_Index+140>:      stw     r3,8(r1)
> 0xff4a968 <FT_Get_Name_Index+144>:      cmpwi   cr7,r9,0
> 0xff4a96c <FT_Get_Name_Index+148>:      beq-    cr7,0xff4a990 
> <FT_Get_Name_Index+184>
> 0xff4a970 <FT_Get_Name_Index+152>:      lwz     r0,4(r9)
> 0xff4a974 <FT_Get_Name_Index+156>:      cmpwi   cr7,r0,0
> 0xff4a978 <FT_Get_Name_Index+160>:      beq+    cr7,0xff4a990 
> <FT_Get_Name_Index+184>
> 0xff4a97c <FT_Get_Name_Index+164>:      mr      r3,r31
> 0xff4a980 <FT_Get_Name_Index+168>:      mr      r4,r29
> 0xff4a984 <FT_Get_Name_Index+172>:      mtlr    r0
> 0xff4a988 <FT_Get_Name_Index+176>:      blrl
> 0xff4a98c <FT_Get_Name_Index+180>:      mr      r28,r3
> 0xff4a990 <FT_Get_Name_Index+184>:      lwz     r0,36(r1)
> 0xff4a994 <FT_Get_Name_Index+188>:      mr      r3,r28
> 0xff4a998 <FT_Get_Name_Index+192>:      lwz     r29,20(r1)
> 0xff4a99c <FT_Get_Name_Index+196>:      lwz     r28,16(r1)
> 0xff4a9a0 <FT_Get_Name_Index+200>:      mtlr    r0
> 0xff4a9a4 <FT_Get_Name_Index+204>:      lwz     r30,24(r1)
> 0xff4a9a8 <FT_Get_Name_Index+208>:      lwz     r31,28(r1)
> 0xff4a9ac <FT_Get_Name_Index+212>:      addi    r1,r1,32
> 0xff4a9b0 <FT_Get_Name_Index+216>:      blr
> 0xff4a9b4 <FT_Get_Name_Index+220>:      li      r3,0
> 0xff4a9b8 <FT_Get_Name_Index+224>:      b       0xff4a960 
> <FT_Get_Name_Index+136>
> 0xff4a9bc <FT_Get_Name_Index+228>:      mr      r3,r10
> 0xff4a9c0 <FT_Get_Name_Index+232>:      lwz     r4,-32732(r30)
> 0xff4a9c4 <FT_Get_Name_Index+236>:      mtlr    r0
> 0xff4a9c8 <FT_Get_Name_Index+240>:      blrl
> 0xff4a9cc <FT_Get_Name_Index+244>:      lwz     r11,128(r31)
> 0xff4a9d0 <FT_Get_Name_Index+248>:      b       0xff4a94c 
> <FT_Get_Name_Index+116>
> End of assembler dump.
> Daniel Kegel wrote:
>> Clemens Koller wrote:
>>> + ../../../exports/bin/mkfontscale /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1
>>> make[4]: *** [install] Error 132
>> Can you try to produce a standalone test case
>> that doesn't require building all of X?
>> e.g. can you save the preprocessor output from the mkfontscale
>> compiler run, compile that on a different system,
>> and reproduce the problem, preferably with a single
>> known font file?
>> - Dan

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