[ANNOUNCE] xtrans 1.6.0

Alan Coopersmith alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
Sun Mar 9 00:19:56 UTC 2025

xtrans - X Network Transport layer shared code

Support for using getaddrinfo(), inet_ntop(), and struct sockaddr_storage
was originally added to support IPv6, and only used if IPv6 support was
enabled. Two decades later, these interfaces are ubiquitous and OS'es have
starting marking the old interfaces as deprecated, so this release changes
to use the modern interface whenever we can now.  (Note that this depends
on the configure script or meson.build setting the appropriate HAVE_*
defines in the calling code, so this may not be fully effective in code
whose configure script was generated with a pre-1.6 version of xtrans.m4
or whose meson.build has not had equivalent updates.)

Alan Coopersmith (12):
      accept const pointers for buf argument to TRANS(Write)
      Quiet -Wformat-pedantic warnings from clang 13 for non-void-* args to %p
      Clear -Wmissing-variable-declarations from clang 13
      SocketOpenCOTSClientBase: handle -Wconditional-uninitialized warning
      SocketOpenCOTSServer: handle -Wconditional-uninitialized warning
      Simplify ifdefs for IPv6 support
      if getaddrinfo() is available, use it, even if IPv6 support is disabled
      if inet_ntop() is available, use it, even if IPv6 support is disabled
      if sockaddr_storage is available, use it, even if IPv6 support is disabled
      Convert one more IPv6 ifdef to HAVE_GETADDRINFO
      is_numeric: Add defined(X11_t) to checks
      xtrans 1.6.0

git tag: xtrans-1.6.0

SHA256: 936b74c60b19c317c3f3cb1b114575032528dbdaf428740483200ea874c2ca0a  xtrans-1.6.0.tar.gz
SHA512: 1165faf7e62ba3a1eb449867b7e626d21f4191a8980ab411ef4bae3875d60333739bb843559b9a1c7e01f7175e18fc9590cd340608d2939a7588989063cecb5f  xtrans-1.6.0.tar.gz
PGP:  https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/lib/xtrans-1.6.0.tar.gz.sig

SHA256: faafea166bf2451a173d9d593352940ec6404145c5d1da5c213423ce4d359e92  xtrans-1.6.0.tar.xz
SHA512: e0ac4a2df0eeacdf23cedd74fee063a8eea81d05c4c4c9a9a113b9b4238db7cacb3c831973ac647fe1a5b06426dcdf0b2f8be5ac27862700333269880e25725b  xtrans-1.6.0.tar.xz
PGP:  https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/lib/xtrans-1.6.0.tar.xz.sig

        -Alan Coopersmith-                 alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - https://blogs.oracle.com/solaris
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