[ANNOUNCE] xauth 1.1.4

Alan Coopersmith alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
Sun Mar 9 00:51:46 UTC 2025

The xauth program is used to edit and display the authorization
information used in connecting to the X server.

Support for using getaddrinfo() and inet_ntop() was originally added to
support IPv6, and only used if IPv6 support was enabled. Two decades later,
these interfaces are ubiquitous and OS'es have starting marking the old
interfaces as deprecated, so this release changes to use the modern interface
whenever we can now.  (Note that code included from libxtrans will only use
these interfaces when IPv6 is disabled if building against libxtrans 1.6.0
or later.)

Alan Coopersmith (7):
      Simplify ifdefs for IPv6 support
      if getaddrinfo() is available, use it, even if IPv6 support is disabled
      if inet_ntop() is available, use it, even if IPv6 support is disabled
      Avoid buffer overflow with long filenames in write_auth_file()
      Use remove() instead of unlink() to remove files
      get_displayname_auth: replace sprintf() with snprintf()
      xauth 1.1.4

git tag: xauth-1.1.4

SHA256: c1149ecf010d7cf717952325c54f3cd78e75b435758b6d09172b0445be477537  xauth-1.1.4.tar.gz
SHA512: 22271f7824f44380a5bf7724a38412599b7fb3a26aaa3cdce2b5773025d940b4985248b8bc7cbde1e1202c4426abd3c6990f126917df9f5eaad4916bee27d616  xauth-1.1.4.tar.gz
PGP:  https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/app/xauth-1.1.4.tar.gz.sig

SHA256: e9318141464ad7b4dc0f8564a580f0d20f977c85a388cc40d5a766206151c690  xauth-1.1.4.tar.xz
SHA512: 6f08b92acec08fe426da0bcf7f68b0c6d21777bed76c5c316717bf15df0654809a97b6c4d3d570d861c49b85857191a5c5be3b4b84049b2459688af2c7b0a74d  xauth-1.1.4.tar.xz
PGP:  https://xorg.freedesktop.org/archive/individual/app/xauth-1.1.4.tar.xz.sig

        -Alan Coopersmith-                 alan.coopersmith at oracle.com
         Oracle Solaris Engineering - https://blogs.oracle.com/solaris
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