WiKi access

Keith Packard
Wed, 10 Dec 2003 16:38:58 -0800

Around 17 o'clock on Dec 10, "Randy Bosetti" wrote:

> Sorry if this post is OT, but I'm not sure who to direct this to. I was
> attempting to dump my info to an Xnvidia page, but it seems I don't have
> write access to the WiKi.

Sorry 'bout that; the wiki is write protected to avoid defacement.  You've 
been given access by being added to the FreedesktopGroup

> Also, is there #define I can use for byte order at compile time?

You've got IMAGE_BYTE_ORDER and BITMAP_BIT_ORDER.  While these can 
theoretically be different, they're the same in practice these days.
