[CREATE] Inkscape questions

Øyvind Kolås pippin at gimp.org
Sun Jun 26 17:35:52 PDT 2011

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Cyrille Berger Skott
<cberger at cberger.net> wrote:
>> >> The other thing about this, and the reason why I place it at the create
>> >> level: scaling and rotating of bitmaps seems to me like an operation
>> >> common to many tools.  Wouldn't it make sense to have a single, shared
>> >> library for that, so that advances in technology benefits everybody
>> >> automatically?
>> OpenGTL might be a even better fit.
> It is a bit off topic, but seems to me that neither are good fit. I am also
> sceptical that such algorithms can be implemented in such a neutral way that
> they could be used across projects.

GEGL isn't used in really many places yet, but there is already more
than one project using it, and as the glacier glides on people
involved are hoping the number will continue growing.

For applications that can use GEGL, with functionality implemented as
GEGL plug-ins (or for applications that ignore most of GEGL and only
use GeglBuffer as a generic interface for accessing tiled / larger
than RAM images) samplers can be implemented naturally in ways that
permit using them across projects. GEGL does take some performance hit
from permitting such pluggable resamplers, but exposing the
flexibility to use better resamplers than bilinear (or wrongly
implemented bicubic) in any transform-like filter is what is gained in
its place.

/Øyvind K. :)
«The future is already here. It's just not very evenly distributed»
                                                 -- William Gibson
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