[CREATE] LGM 2012 Travel Expenses

Louis Desjardins louis.desjardins at gmail.com
Thu May 10 06:23:45 PDT 2012

2012/5/10 a.l.e <ale.comp_06 at xox.ch>

>  hi
> since somody is against changing the rule after the lgm has taken place, i
> retract my proposition.
> we should stick to the pro-rata rule we had until now.
> but i'd like make the process of reimbursement faster: no need to wait a
> 20 days for sending in the requests.
> end of next week should be enough.
> i can activate the form for the reimbursement this evening.


As I said, I am the one in charge of this.

End of May will be the deadline to submit a request for reimbursement.

The info will be on the website later today and the form available.

The rules are simple :

   1. We reimburse within budget limit in percentage of the needs against
   the money available.
   2. People entitled to a reimbursement are a) developers members of a
   team present at LGM (it is up to each team to determine who is member and
   who is not. LGM organisation don’t make assumptions on that) and b)
   speakers at LGM.
   3. A sponsored person must not be sponsorerd by other means.
   4. We need all the requested fields to be filled in order to process a
   reimbursement, and the relevant receipts and proofs of travel.

Footnote: by past experience, the easiest, quickest and sheapest way is
Paypal. This comment is only to let you know. Transfert costs can be
lowered and that way we can reimburse more. Less money in the pockets of
the banks.



> ciao
> a.l.e
> 2012/5/10 a.l.e <ale.comp_06 at xox.ch>
>  hi
>  hi!
> A practical question regarding this year's LGM:
> to whom should we submit our travel expenses?
>  does anybody want to take the task on him / her?
>  Hi,
>  This is my responsibility.
>  I will put the reimbursement file online later today.
>  More below on Ale's proposal.
> i also have a remark. our policy is to reimburse the travel expenses at
> the prorata of the money we could collect.
> while in the past we could always reimburse all the people asking for it,
> for the first time this year it's likely that we won't be able to full
> refund the costs (it all depends on who will be asking, so we don't know
> yet for sure; last year we also thought that the finances were too
> tight...).
> personally, i'd like to make a change in that policy and first full
> reimburse the people that had travel costs which are a multiple of their
> monthly income (i think that we only have one such case), then reimburse
> those who had costs that correpsond to a big part of their monthly income
> (probably 2 or 3 such cases) and finally distribute the rest among the
> other people asking for a refund.
> we don't need to ask for income details, we should be able to guess it
> ourselves for some people and other can tell (and have already told) us
> that it's important for them to get refundend.
> so:
> a/ any volonteer?
>  Yes, me
> b/ is the policy proposed ok?
>  While I think there is a great heart and a very good intention behind
> that proposal, I would be more encline to stick with what has always been
> the rule. Otherwise it opens the door to arbitrary calls and knowing the
> situation of one or a few people doen’t make the exercice more fair as some
> people might be in a difficult situation as well and won’t tell about it.
>  Let’s first determine what the needs are. Ony then will we know the
> height of the percentage of the reimbursements for each person asking of
> it. Meanwhile, money is still coming in, slowly but...
>  It is always up to anyone to ask for a reimbursement. We’ll give until
> end of this month period to fill the form and then we’ll know.
>  Louis
> ciao
> a.l.e
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