how to use android media codecs in gst pipelines

Sebastian Dröge slomo at
Thu Oct 10 05:27:06 PDT 2013

On Do, 2013-10-10 at 14:10 +0200, Francesco Argese wrote:
> Hello,
> I have developed an audio/video comunication software to allow comunication
> among a pc software and an Android tablet (Asus EEE Pd Transform TF201 with
> NVidia Tegra 3).
> At the moment I have used ffmpeg encoders and decoders from both sides and
> now I'm trying to optimize encoder and decoder on Android.
> I have read somewhere that someone developed some codecs using android
> media codec infrastructure. How is it possible to use them?
> In particular I like to know how to substitute ffenc_mpeg4 element and
> ffdec_mpeg4 element. For ffdec_mpeg4 I have found
> amcviddec-omxgooglempeg4decoder but when I launched the pipeline the
> element was not found. Is there any procedure to integrate these elements?
> What is the element that substitute ffenc_mpeg4? I have not found any
> documentation regarding this topic.

The names of the amvcviddec-* elements are based on the codec names
in /etc/media_codecs.xml to prevent conflicts. You ideally use something
like encodebin and decodebin to automatically select the best possible
element for you, or implement your own logic around the
GstElementFactory API to select the best suitable element.

> I also like to know if there are other commercial or open source
> encoders/decoders (also to be paid) optimized for Tegra hardware.

Nothing that only uses public Android API. You should however be able to
use gst-omx with Tegra, and directly use the OpenMAX IL implementation
available for this SoC. It should be present on your Android device, you
just need to write the appropiate configuration file for gst-omx for it.
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