gstreamer on Android L: no more amcviddec, PIE problem

Gregoire Gentil gregoire at
Thu May 14 07:27:19 PDT 2015

On 05/13/2015 11:47 PM, Sebastian Dröge wrote:
> On Mi, 2015-05-13 at 21:40 -0700, Gregoire Gentil wrote:
>> On 05/13/2015 09:01 AM, Sebastian Dröge wrote:
>>> On Mi, 2015-05-13 at 08:36 -0700, Gregoire Gentil wrote:
>>>> On 05/13/2015 12:11 AM, Sebastian Dröge wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> On Di, 2015-05-12 at 19:58 -0700, Gregoire Gentil wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I have gstreamer congo 2013.06 for Android working well on Android 4.x.
>>>>>> On Android 5.x, it seems that there are (at least) two problems:
>>>>> Everything on is outdated and using the old, unsupported
>>>>> 0.10 release series of GStreamer. It's also in no way connected to the
>>>>> GStreamer project.
>>>>> You can find new binaries that are known to work well on Android 5.x too
>>>>> here:
>>>>> And the official website of the GStreamer project here:
>>>> Thanks. I will try. A few more questions: Is hardware decode supported?
>>> Yes
>>>> Is there a tarball with the runtime executable to run gst-inspect on the
>>>> device? I don't see them on the page.
>>> No, that's not the supported way of using GStreamer on Android. You can
>>> get dynamic libraries and gst-inspect if you build things yourself
>>> though, but you're on your own then and it's generally more tricky to
>>> set up properly than using GStreamer like in the tutorials.
>>> Also hardware decoding does not work unless you run GStreamer from a
>>> real Android app.
>>>> Is there an update of the
>>>> excellent old Android Gstreamer tutorials?
>>> You can find the tutorials ported to 1.x here:
>> Based on tutorial-3, I have the following pipeline working:
>> filesrc location=/sdcard/video.mpg ! tsdemux ! h264parse ! avdec_h264 !
>> autovideosink
>> I would like to decode in hardware. I have added androidmedia but any
>> combination of amcviddec-* doesn't work: plugin not found. What would be
>> the pipeline to decode in hardware? I'm testing on Android 5.0 and 5.1,
>> and on Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 2013.
> Try with decodebin, it will automatically select the best available
> decoders.

I tried but it didn't seem to decode in hardware. I would like to force 
the hardware decoder to better understand what kind of errors there 
would be. How can I figure out the name of the hardware decoder plugin?


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