[PATCH][RFC] cache generation + separate FDI parser process

Sergey Lapin slapinid at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 09:32:36 PST 2007

Hi, all!

David Zeuthen wrote:
> On Tue, 2007-01-09 at 16:20 +0300, Sergey Lapin wrote: 
>> Hi!
>> Attached is a patch which provides these improvements:
>> - Separates XML parsing from main running process thus reducing memory 
>> fragmentation and consumption.
>> - maintains binary cache which is mmapped for reading thus not using 
>> heap for that, so it uses mapped memory which is freed on demand which 
>> is good for small-memory embedded devices.
>> - makes hald smaller due to fact that bunch of rarely used code is out 
>> in separate process.

It is updated version of patch:

- Fixed code style issues and cut-paste comment errors
- Created trivial cache coherency check (mtime)
- moved test binary to noinst
- made proper command line options for hald-cache
- proper logger setup with hald-cache

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