begging you : please do something for nv cards in hal

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Fri Dec 4 09:58:50 PST 2009


schmirrwurst at [2009-12-04 18:37 +0100]:
> 	-Nvidia will never support backlight in his driver (dixit nvidia support)

Their problem really ... I'm afraid that's (a) price you have to pay
for using the proprietary driver. By their very nature you depend on
the manufacturer to do things right.

> 	-Kernel isn't doing anything, problem as been reported, but nothing happens

And they can't, there is no way the linux kernel could do anything
about making the proprietary driver work.

> 	-Nouveau driver from freedesktop is managing backlight, but is too unstable 
> to use in production.

Nevertheless this probably seems like the way forward, especially it
also gets KMS support now. It's said to have at least rudimentary
xbacklight support.

> The only solution I see, is that hal is managing backlight, for people using 
> nv or glx driver...
>  Changing backlight manually through smartdimmer or nvclock work, so I must no 
> be difficult to support it in hal ? Please !

Ubuntu has carried a patch for smartdimmer support, but it wasn't
accepted upstream [1]. However, hal very likely won't be in the default
installation any more from next week on (in the development release),
but we might pull it back in as a dependency of the proprietary driver
package for this.

With hal development (and usage) being ceased now, I don't think that
it makes a lot of sense to pursue this further in hal, though.



Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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