[Libreoffice-qa] QA and QA Analyst - from Timur

Xisco Fauli xiscofauli at libreoffice.org
Wed Nov 16 14:50:38 UTC 2022

Hello Timur,

On 16/11/22 13:40, Timur Gadzo wrote:
> Hello fellow QAers
> Along my LO time, I saw many folks coming and some disapearring
> (wondering why). Now I was faced with that, I decided to send this
> message, to explain why it makes no sense for me to be in QA team
> anymore (1).
I'm really sorry to hear that.
> I was OO user and casual bug reporter since 2005, and then LO user and
> reporter and increasingly tester for 10+ years now, by nick of Timur.
> Reporting some hundreds of bugs, but testing much more. I always tried
> to make a bug clear, retesting and closing or duplicating, renaming,
> hiding excessive comments. Doing bibisects or more of them in the
> single bug, with all bibi repos and torments with old versions, using
> different scripts for automated bibisects. For that I had 2 Windows
> and 3 Linux with some specific settings as different UI, dark mode,
> e-mail sending, domain, proxy etc. Sometimes I'd add to wiki. I didn't
> advertise my work or single bugs in chat/Telegam, I just worked more.
> Last few years I increased my work so that took me 4 hours/workday, 20
> hours/week.
You contributions were really valuable to the project during all these 
years. Thanks a lot for that.
> Then I saw a vacancy for QA Analyst (2) and applied because I mostly
> was doing all that already, save reporting. During the next few months
> I worked on this full 8 hours/day to see how it looks with 40
> hours/week. Doing so I finally amounted to 6434 bugs I gave some input
> to. Although I was regularly in QA reports with my 4 hours, in
> September I really topped (3).
> Later I learned I wasn't selected which came as a shock just because
> of this objectively available input and reports. I wasn't informed who
> was, I first thought it may be someone who also had a great QA work,
> like Julien or Rafael or Raal, those who I could also see all the time
> in reports and Bugzilla while not being part of TDF or companies, like
> Justin or MIke etc.

As in any other job interview, the selected person is not revealed to 
the rest of candidates until it's made public.

I don't see why it should be different this time ?

> I asked for something that could be helpful to me: what were my
> shortcomings that overturned my years long work, and consequently what
> were the crucial advantages of the chosen candidate. To add an insult
> to the injury, I got no explanation although I asked the same twice.
> I'm especially disappointed that Xisco didn't respond in any way,
> after so many years.

Why did you expect an answer for me?

The hiring group was formed by different people and not just me.

You got the answer to your emails from a person on behalf of the group.

> Recently I learned who was selected for the position of QA Analyst,
> someone by nick of stragu. Seems that he was active in LO for years,
> with input to some 735 bugs by the time of selection. While it's
> considerable, it's not near my devotion and input nor it was in the
> 1st tier of LO QA. Unless there were some other values in selection. I
> don't doubt that selected candidate can achieve expected level, but he
> simply wasn't there at the time of selection, as seen in the previous
> and the most recent report (4).

As we already told you in the answer to your emails, previous experience 
was important for the job position but other aspects were taken into 
consideration as well.

Xisco Faulí
LibreOffice QA Team
IRC: x1sc0

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