Concurrent usage of mmcli

João M. S. Silva joao.m.santos.silva at
Tue Oct 6 08:09:51 PDT 2015

Thank you for your explanations in both posts.

On 10/06/2015 10:40 AM, Aleksander Morgado wrote:
> There really is no need to do this, I believe. If you're sending
> multiple SMS messages, you should first create the corresponding SMS
> object in ModemManager, and then send each of the SMS messages one by
> one. I see your modem is a Huawei one, AT-based, so the action of
> sending an SMS is done via AT commands. Well, apart from the enabling
> operation, there *shouldn't* be any issue when trying to send multiple
> SMS messages from different mmcli operations. Are you having any
> issues with the SMS sending operations?

I don't have issues running my script which creates and sends the SMS. I 
attach the script.

Recently, I've been considering running the script from 2 different 
sources. So, 2 different processes may be calling this script
at the same time, at unpredictable times. That's where the modem usage 
conflict appears.

But I believe that checking for the output of the enable command + 
sleeping, as you suggest, will suffice.

João M. S. Silva

P.S.: Yesterday I came to know of another program, smstools, that uses 
the file methodology:
-------------- next part --------------

# arguments

# modem re-scan
mmcli -S

# search for modem number
for i in `seq 0 9`; do
    mmcli -m $i
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
if [ $modem -eq -1 ]; then
    exit 1

# enable
mmcli -m ${modem} -e

# connect
mmcli -m ${modem} --simple-connect="apn=internet"

# create SMS
sms=$(mmcli -m ${modem} \
    --messaging-create-sms="text='${text}',number=${number}" \
    | awk '$1 ~/freedesktop/ {print $1}')

# show SMS
mmcli -m ${modem} -s ${sms}

# send SMS
if [ "${test}" == "0" ]; then
    mmcli -m ${modem} -s ${sms} --send    

# delete SMS
mmcli -m ${modem} --messaging-delete-sms=${sms}

# disconnect
mmcli -m ${modem} --simple-disconnect

# disable
mmcli -m ${modem} -d

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