Composite and damage status

Egbert Eich eich at
Tue May 11 02:12:27 PDT 2004

Mathieu Lacage writes:
 > hi keith,
 > I thought about sending a mail similar to the one sent by egbert a while
 > ago. While I am by no means a very useful member of the community (I
 > merely lurk around and try to keep up to date, in the hope that I can do
 > something one day), I find it very hard to follow the developement
 > around the X server and I have been unable until now to find the mailing
 > list where real discussion takes place. For example, a recent mail by
 > Jim Gettys refers to "discussions taking place" to decide on autotooling
 > issues although I never saw such a discussion on any of the xserver,
 > xorg and xlibs mailing lists.

Right. I fully argee, what you say warms my hart.
This is what I felt all along: we all need to work together and
form a communtiy. A community is all about communications. I felt
there was a lack of that in XFree86 in the later days and I feel
this group is not doing all that well here either.
Other communities are more communicative. I would like to get there,
I know that many people are hanging out on IRC. But this is not
really building an international community as IRC is harder to follow
for some of the people here.
One thing we need to do is to bring the Xserver, Xlib and Xorg communities
closer together. Right now people don't even seem to know all relevant
mailing lists (and IRC channels). I don't even know if I have all this

Here is the list of mailing lists I'm aware of:

xorg at  (general discussion list for X related issues
		      currently also abused as support list)
xserver at (Xserver related discussion list)
xlibs at (X Libriaries related discussion list (all libs,	
		       not only libX11)).
release-wranglers@    (Xorg release related discussion list (sometimes
		      abused for other purposes :-( )
		      as script to generate these messages is broken)
xevie@		      Discussion list for XEVIE related issues (I don't
		      know if this is really needed, discussion should
		      probably take place on xorg at .
xcb@		      X C-binding and Xlib compatibility layer mailing list

Special interest mailing lists:

xdevconv@	      Mailing list relating to the recent developers
		      conference (traffic is decreasing)
xdg@                  freedesktop standards and specifications
		      (who would have guessed that from the name?)
		      How much is this X related?
x-packagers@	      Discussion among people who are interested in
		      packaging X binaries (mostly distro maintainers)
		      Could be that decisions about modularization are
		      made here.....

Non post mailing lists:

xserver-commit@       (cvs commit logs for checkins to Keith's separately
		      hosted Xserver project (should probably go away
		      once everything is in one repository))
xlibs-commit@         (same as xserver-comit@ for xlibs@)
xorg-commit@          (cvs-commit logs for the Xorg repository)
xorg-commit-diffs@    (same as above including diffs, currently defunct
xorg-bugzilla-noise@  If you want to get spammed by every new xorg related
		      bugzilla entry subscribe here.

[.....] If I have missed anything please feel free to add it.

X related IRC channels:

[.....]		I have no clue.

 > Maybe it would make sense to put a pointer from the xerver wiki to the
 > real mailing list if there is one or to try to use one exclusively if
 > all these discussions take place privately.

Exactly. If I get around to it I will put above list on the Wiki.
Also the X.Org entry page on the Wiki needs some thought. It is
too crowded. We need more pointers to sub-pages that are visible
without having to scroll back and forth. Remeber: The computer
screen is tiny. You cannot put too much information on it and
still keep it readable.

 > regards,
 > Mathieu

Mathieu, thank you for your posting!


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