[avahi] Patch for gentoo compilation

Sebastien Estienne sebastien.estienne at gmail.com
Sat Jul 2 14:40:05 PDT 2005

2005/7/2, Lennart Poettering <mzzhgg at 0pointer.de>:
> On Fri, 01.07.05 19:10, Sebastien Estienne (sebastien.estienne at gmail.com) wrote:
> > > Yes. avahi-dnsconfd depends on avahi-daemon. And yes, it needs the
> > > socket of avahi-daemon. When the avahi daemon is started with -D
> > > it is guaranteed that the socket is existant when the control is
> > > returned to the caller.
> > So maybe it would be better to have one initscript to start both?
> > Or do you prefer one initscript per process.
> Since not all people will want to run both daemons it's probably
> better to have two distinct init scripts for them.
yes that's true, but if you want to run dnsconfd you need avahi-deamon right?
So the choice are nothing , only the deamon or both.
So i thought we could control this using /etc/default/avahi:
so it will disallow people to try starting dnsconfd without avahi-deamon, 
It will also ease to manage the dependencie of  avahi-dnsconfd
(socket) on avahi-deamon.

what do you think? i'll do what you prefer.

> > I discussed with Lathiat about putting the avahi script iniside
> > /etc/init.d and symlink to /etc/dbus-1/event.d/ if DBUS is enabled in
> > configure.
> What do the DBUS packagers say about this?

i'll try to mail him, and see if there is a policy about this,i just
know event.d is debian specific

> Lennart
> --
> name { Lennart Poettering } loc { Hamburg - Germany }
> mail { mzft (at) 0pointer (dot) de } gpg { 1A015CC4 }
> www { http://0pointer.de/lennart/ } icq# { 11060553 }
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Sebastien Estienne