[avahi] Announcing libavahi-ui

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Wed Feb 7 05:24:51 PST 2007


I just commited the first version of libavahi-ui to Avahi SVN, some
code I hacked up during my flights from and to linux.conf.au. This is
a library which implements a common service browsing dialog for GTK.

For more information (including screenshot+screencast) read this blog story:


To get this code running on non-Linux systems some minor porting
effort is probably needed. Porters, please try to build current SVN on
your system!

Snorp, a Mono wrapper for this Dialog might be a good idea?

This new library will be part of Avahi 0.6.18.


Lennart Poettering; lennart [at] poettering [dot] net
ICQ# 11060553; GPG 0x1A015CC4; http://0pointer.net/lennart/

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