[avahi] Package: Avahi-daemon 0.6.31 failed apple bonjour test SRV probing/Announcements
bxsrinivas at lutron.com
Fri Jan 16 08:45:39 PST 2015
> Hi,
> We are working on to support Apple bonjour conformance test-1.3.0 and
test fails with avahi version 0.6.31 for test case - SRV
PROBING/ANNOUNCEMENTS. This test fails both on IPV4 and IPV6. And the
configured network package - dhcpcd-6.6.4.
> After parsing all logs(Wireshark, apple PC and Linux PC syslog), and
looks like Avahi does not support a particular scenario in which Apple
bonjour conformance test looks for. And also confirmed Apple test is in
line with the RFC 6762 document for a special use-case(resolving SRV names
on power up).
> Below is the bug description,
> setup:Apple MAC with Bonjour conformance test - 1.3.0 (latest OS x)Apple
airport (latest version)Linux device(PC) (AM335x)
> Configure all above devices to communicate on link local mode.
> 1) Start Avahi bonjour conformance test on APPLE PC and Power ON Linux
device with Avahi -0.6.31 and with _ssh._tcp.local service file
> 2) First Linux device sends SRV initial probe message on link and
followed by apple test sends same SRV (Linux device) question on
link, example:(commands on wire shark) Linux Device sends ->
Who has "SSH" SRV QM question? Apple Bonjour Conformance Test -> Who
has "SSH" SRV QM question?
> 3) Then after this there is no message from Linux device on network and
Apple test expecting new SRV probe message from device. And so
conformance test failed, since device couldn't able to send new SRV probe
message with new name for service "SSH"
> 4) After parsing log files found that, Avahi -daemon logged service
with new name ("SSH #2") in log file and could not publish/probe SRV
message on network.
> Linux device syslog messages, Loading service file /etc/Avahi
/services/ssh.service Service name conflict for "SSH" (/etc/Avahi
/services/ssh.service), retrying with "SSH #2).
> Thanks,Balaji
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Balaji X. Srinivas <bxsrinivas at ...> writes:
I figured out why avahi-0.6.31 package fails the apple bonjour conformance
test(v1.3.0) for test case SRV PROBING/ANNOUNCEMENTS.
The Bonjour conformance test requires that the hostname and service name on
the device be resolved at the same time during one point.However avahi
package waits until the hostname is resolved before resolving the service
And also noticed one thing that when device in the state of resolving the
hostname,device could not probe service with new name though it logged info
message as service name conflict.
And so the bonjour test logs following,
"SRV Probing: Device didn't send a new probe after test issued a probe
denial in response to device's previous query".
And also verified on more case like, when device gets locked to hostname
and then device should be able to probe SRV successfully.
I am yet to figure out the actual requirement of this with RFC document.
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