[avahi] avahi Digest, Vol 124, Issue 1

Michael Jones avahi at jonesmz.com
Sat Oct 10 13:48:53 PDT 2015

> Trent
> I had a look at avahi-qt in 0.6.32-rc and it looks like there is still no
> QT5 support.  I found this patch for QT5 support...
> http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/avahi/2014-October/002305.html
> If I pass an AvahiPoll from avahi_qt_poll_get() to avahi_client_new() the
> program will segfault with Qt5 (Qt4 works fine).  I have a Qt class that
> wraps avahi-client.  In order to get it to work with Qt5, I need to
> distribute a modified avahi-qt.
> Jon

I'm the author of that Qt 5 patch.

I'd be happy to lend assistance to getting it integrated into an upcoming
Avahi release. I wasn't able to post it to the avahi bug tracker, since the
Trac instance wasn't accepting new registrations for quite a while.

Saying this without looking at the full changelist for Avahi, I'd say that
it's pretty likely to apply cleanly to the new version. It was minimally

Please contact me if assistance is desired.
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