[Beignet] few questions on Beignet-OpenCL-ICD v1.2.0 regarding X11 and kernel patches

Seva Gluschenko gvs at webkontrol.ru
Fri Sep 23 08:56:57 UTC 2016

Thank you very much for the hint. So, in fact, even though I succeeded in compiling Beignet without X, I still need X to run it because DRI is only available with X? No chance to use DRM or DirectFB?

23.09.2016, 06:12, "Yang, Rong R" <rong.r.yang at intel.com>:
> There is only beignet-opencl-icd's output, can't find the error message from beignet, can you try beignet's utest directly?
> To run utest, you need "make utest", then run ". ./utests/setenv.sh" and at last " ./utests/utest_run".
> It seems open device failed, can you also list the device under /dev/dri?

Best Regards,

Seva Gluschenko
CTO @ http://webkontrol.ru/

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