[cairo] SVG Font

Bryce Harrington bryce at bryceharrington.com
Sat Jul 23 13:02:40 PDT 2005

Hi Carl,

I mentioned yesterday at the Cairo tutorial about an SVG font.  Here it


This is the work of Benji Park, who did it to explore how SVG fonts
work, and to encourage support for them in SVG libraries and apps by
giving us an example to test with.  The font is put in the public domain
and is included in the Open Clip Art Library.  TTF, AFM, and PFB
versions are provided for comparison.  He's got some screenshots and
discussion on his blog here:


SVG fonts may seem a rather esoteric feature, however consider that this
provides a way to embed fonts in a distributed SVG file, to get around
font availability problems.  For instance, browsing an SVG web page that
uses a fancy font would be problematic if the user lacks that font.
Having the wrong font for an SVG page tends to be even more noticeable
than having the wrong font for an HTML page since SVG pages are more
graphically aggressive and dependant on the exact positioning of
elements in the page.

This same holds true of course for other sharing of content, such as
presentations, tutorials, and so forth.


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