[Clipart] Is anyone working on categorizing the existing images?

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Wed Jun 9 22:54:59 PDT 2004

Le jeu 10/06/2004 à 04:19, Jonadab the Unsightly One a écrit :
> Bruno Coudoin <bruno.coudoin at free.fr> writes:
> > > > One weakness of the database, as you propose here, is that you
> > > > cannot install it easily and distribute it with a GNU/Linux
> > > > distrib.
> > > 
> > > Oh?  Why not?
> > > 
> > cliparts are usefull for desktop users and for desktop users, as far
> > as I know, distribs do not install databases (like mysql) with the
> > desktop profile and that makes sense.
> SQLite is small enough to just include, and it's in the public domain.
> http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/
> http://search.cpan.org/~msergeant/DBD-SQLite-0.31/lib/DBD/SQLite.pm
> > If you do a package with your cliparts, you will need to detect
> > which database is on the system, or force the use of one, install
> > the package and fill up the database. I am not aware of any package
> > that does this automaticaly, even if it's technically possible, it's
> > rather complex and error prone. Usually, there is a post step in the
> > installed tool to create the table and fill up the initial content.
> I *think* SQLite just stores the DB in a file, which could just be
> distributed along with the stuff.
> However, I'm not sure it's necessary to distribute the database; I was
> under the impression that the database was an organizational tool that
> would help us to categorize the images and automate the release
> process.

Then that makes sense. If you extract the images and put them in a
directory tree by category, it's good enough for most needs.


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