[compiz] Two XGL questions

Mike Hearn mike at plan99.net
Thu Apr 6 06:57:11 PDT 2006

I know this list is meant for discussion of compiz specifically, but ....

1) I sometimes see compiz spit out "Could not bind pixmap to texture"
    messages, even though it _appears_ to be working fine. I randomly
    guess that this is due to me running out of video memory (iirc I
    have 64mb of vram). Is that possibly a problem? I think Vista and
    OS X manually manage video memory so textures can be swapped out
    to system memory and even disk. Does XGL do this?

    The errors don't seem to have any effect, at least, I see no obvious
    screen corruption.

2) The Vista guys seem to think that being able to pre-empt GPU
    processing is important. Does XGL support this? I am guessing
    maybe not ... it doesn't seem to matter though, even with
    the atlantis screensaver running as the backdrop and with all
    the effects the screen is always snappy and responsive.


That blog also contains a discussion of the glass blur effect they have 
in Vista. It sounds quite hard to do properly but I bet it could be 
fudged and look nearly as good (eg at the edges). So far I don't see any 
discussion of a Compiz style effects plugin system.

thanks -mike

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