[CREATE] assets library

Cyrille Berger cberger at cberger.net
Fri Sep 28 01:25:54 PDT 2007

> > Can you give us an example of use for arbitary data that can't be added
> > to the spec now or ever ? I am quiet wary of unspecified "arbitrary
> > data", which means that an application can store usefull information in
> > there, but be the only one able to read it.
> Look at the ICC, Tiff, OpenEXR or HTML specs. They all allow for
> extensions in one or another form and only encurage to provide further
> information and sometimes tries to coordinate later.

I don't know about ICC enought to comment. But HTML do not allow extension on 
the spec, it's just that some main stream web browsers have extension to the 
spec, meaning some websites use them, meaning other web browsers have to cope 
finding information for the extension, while 99% of what is in the extension 
could have been done with a full implementation of the spec. TIFF and 
OpenEXR, I can't count people asking us to support one of this undocumented 

> For instance Oyranos needs short hand names of colour names and long
> versions.
Most of the spec out there have short name and long name. And it was clear to 
me that a comment field was needed

> If you dont like such in the spec, thats now an acceptable decision.
> Just in Oyranos I wants to use the format with said non spec things and
> possibly more like spectral data. The spec dont need to care, but
> should be open to let others do what they see fit their needs.
I doubt that you are the only one interested in spectral data.

Cyrille Berger

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