[CREATE] LGM 2010 Website

ivan at textzi.net ivan at textzi.net
Fri Oct 16 09:14:45 PDT 2009

> On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 5:34 PM, Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:
>>> Euh... because these particular three squares make an M for Meeting and
>>> also a flag :-)
>> Is good you said that. I would never figure this out all by myself :)
> That was probably somewhat harsh from me. To make it clear: I care
> about logo of the event much less than about the event itself. The

no need to apologise for harshness!
it's about feedback. Thanks a lot for your comments :)

> JavaScript in question didn't actually work for me, and I'm using
> Firefox 3.5, mind you :) So I can't really say anything about design,
> because I simply don't see it. I do see
> http://lgm.alexandreleray.com/static/css/background-fixe.svg at it

I'm sorry you cannot see it. I want you to see it :)
Could you give me more details on what you see/what you don't?

Could you try pointing your browser directly to the background?
The address is:
If that works, then it could be a problem with the iframe.
Sorry, don't know so much about the differences between firefox versions...

Could you check you Firefox error console, and tell me if I should know
about any errors?

> gives some kind of idea, but again, I don't see the whole thing and I
> wonder who else does.

I wonder the same. Please report any problems :)


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