[CREATE] Short words

Yuval Levy create07 at sfina.com
Tue Jul 6 19:46:26 PDT 2010

100% agree with Louis' short words.

On July 6, 2010 02:13:17 am Igor Novikov wrote:
> Such travel expenses are more than price for one week resort on Maldives or
> Seishell islands in All Inclusive option

Could be a valid venue.  Some very successful conferences are held on cruise 

I organized such a venue for our wedding.  We booked a luxury all inclusive 
hotel in the Caribbeans more than one year in advance.  We showed flexibility 
on the timing (two weeks ahead of high-season, allowing them to start hiring 
seasonal personnel earlier than the competition) and they showed flexibility on 
pricing: 99$/night, 7th night free for a place charging 250$-350$/night.  We 
had almost complete control of the hotel during the two weeks.  They adapted 
their schedules to our needs and even built a special structure for us on the 
beach.  For the flights a small travel agent with personal service negotiated 
the airlines for us.  Back then more than ten people traveling together got 
interesting discounts.  Gathering at a few regional hubs and traveling 
together to/from the conference site is a good idea.  One advantage is that 
the airline can reserve a block of seats and is quite accommodating with +/- a 
few seat quantity changes. 

> classic touristic countries like Egypt/Cyprus/Turkey/Israel

Of these only Turkey makes it into the top ten [0].

> (last option may be not a good for human rights lawyers).

The human rights record of all of them is debatable but off-topic.

The question we need to answer pragmatically is whether traveling to these 
countries represent an increased risk to participants, and whether the risk is 
acceptable or not.

Politically motivated terrorists (or freedom fighters, depend on your 
perspective on the issue) have targeted and killed more tourists in Egypt and 
in Turkey than in Israel; and in all three countries the probability of a 
tourist being killed in a car accident is much larger than the probability of 
a tourist being killed in politically motivated unrest.  What worries me more 
than political risk is health risk.  Can you drink tap water in those 

> P.S.: sorry for copy - CREATE list daemon blocked message in 'Reply to all'
> option due to "Too many recipients to the message" reason.

good reason.  keep the messages on the mailing list, no need to receive 


[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Tourism_rankings

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